Women on Boards

GPP supports

Women on Boards

Gender Equality at Management Level

About the Project

Project Partners:

FidAR e.V.


Supported by:


sequa gGmbH

Project Duration:

2015 - ongoing

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An important point in empowering women in business is their representation in top management positions. The Allbright Foundation stated in 2018 that the number of men named Thomas and Michael (60) on German stock exchange boards alone exceeds the number of women in total (56) in terms of the unequal distribution rate between women and men in top companies.

This global phenomenon is to be tackled in cooperation with the private sector, the public sector and international organizations in order to ensure gender equality at management level.

As GPP, we accompany our partners in the MENA region in lobbying for this issue. They are supported in this by the German partner Frauen in den Aufsichtsräten (FidAR e.V.), which advises local partners on the basis of its own experience and supports them in transferring success strategies to the target country. The Women on Boards initiative in Lebanon, for example, was created through cooperation with the local partner "Lebanese League for Women in Business" (LLWB).