Innovative Solutions for Municipal Solid Waste in the Context of Ukrainian Decentralisation Reforms
supports Ukraine's decentralisation reforms
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The decentralization reforms initiated by the Ukrainian government in 2014 were aimed at modernizing the country by empowering local communities. To support the reform efforts of Ukrainians, GPP, in cooperation with the Ukrainian partner Newbiznet, organised a project entitled “Innovative solutions for municipal solid waste in the context of Ukrainian decentralization reforms” in 2017 and 2018.
During the course of the project, eight political decision-makers from Lviv traveled to North Rhine-Westphalia to get to know the German waste industry. GPP put together an extensive programme during which the participants visited numerous modern plants and facilities. In the course of the visits, different models and solutions for the challenges associated with the establishment of sustainable waste management were presented.
The Ukrainian participants presented the results and newly acquired knowledge on the organisation, structure, and financing of sustainable waste management during the conference on “Clean Environment – Healthy Living. German experiences in waste management. Recommendations for Ukraine” in Lviv. More than 100 representatives of local and interregional administration, business, science and civil society from Germany and Ukraine took part in the conference.