Egypt: Digital Solutions in Egyptian Agricultural Systems
About the Project
Project Partners:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Magdeburg
Chamber of Food Industries (CFI)
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The PartnerAfrica project between the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Magdeburg and Global Project Partners e.V. on the German side and the Chamber of Food Industries (CFI), the Horticultural Export Improvement Association (HEIA) and Nahdet El Mahrousa (NM) on the Egyptian side aims to sensitize and qualify the Egyptian agricultural and food industry, to make greater use of digital technologies and to get to know their possible applications.
Concrete measures with a digital focus are intended to increase employment and skills in agriculture and agriculture, thereby contributing to sustainable and resilient agri-food systems in Egypt. It will contribute to improving key problems, including soil and water problems, outdated farming techniques, lack of information on marketing and scarcity of natural resources.
The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through sequa gGmbH (2022-2025).