Thousands for Skilled Workers for a New Egypt
About the Project
Project Partners:
German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie erlin-Brandenburg e.V.
ZGV - Der Mittelstandsverbund e.V., Collogne
Chamber of Wood Working and Furniture Industry, Cairo
Egyptian Furniture Export Council
Supported by:
Project Duration
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By 2030, the global construction industry is expected to grow by 85% and become one of the most dynamic economic sectors. This boom is no surprise given the expected population growth in the emerging markets, the necessary infrastructure improvements in many industrialised countries and the trend towards more residential space.
Since the construction industry will continue to secure the jobs of many people in the future, it is necessary to invest more in modern training and further education for the skilled workers needed.
GPP has already carried out qualification measures in the construction industry in cooperation with its partners - the German vocational development agencies and the local training institutes and chambers of foreign trade - in various target countries and areas and has pursued a geographically decentralised approach.
In a post-revolutionary Egypt marked by youth unemployment, GPP together with its Egyptian and German partners conducted extensive training courses in the cities of Cairo, Luxor, and Asyut in painting, masonry, tiling, scaffolding, installation, and plant mechanics for sanitary, heating, and airconditioning technology.